Support Sisterhood. Period.
I was in high school when I first heard about how women in developing nations deal with their periods. I remember being shocked that not only are many girls taught that they are evil or are separated from their families, but that they don't have the proper hygiene to take care of themselves during this time and often miss several days of school or end up dropping out.
My amazing brother and sister in law got involved with an incredible nonprofit called Nurturing Nations a few years ago. Laura, who runs this amazing organization (that takes NO overhead!) is one of the most giving humans I've ever known. Laura's daughter was the first girl with Down Syndrome adopted from Ghana. Nurturing Nations just finished building a school in Ghana after being inspired to give back to the community their daughter was born.
A few of the beautiful girls attending school in Ghana
Now, Livlyhood followers have an opportunity to give back to the women in Ghana who struggle to go to school, work and even afford sanitary supplies while on their period. They often resort to skipping school and using leaves, rags or old newspapers during their periods because they have no other choice. Last year my sister in law was able to take some reusable menstruation underwear to the villages that Nurturing Nations supports in Ghana and the response was incredible. But seeing the women react only made me want to help more!
Women in Ghana receiving their reusable underwear in 2017
Laura is going to Ghana again in June, and my goal is to send her with as many pairs of reusable menstruation underwear as possible. Each pair is about $25, and if you can spare that much that's what I'm asking you to give.
If you can only spare $5, that would mean so much! My brother's company, CIT Electronics, will match $2,000 raised for this campaign, meaning every $5 given becomes $10! If we are able to raise $4,000 we can get almost 200 pairs and change that many lives.
Can you spare $5 to help a girl in Ghana stay in school during her period? I'm hoping to raise $2,000 by May 28th, which is World Menstrual Hygiene Day.
If you haven't watched the Oscar-award winning documentary, Period. End of Sentence., take 20 minutes to watch today. It will open your eyes to how strong women are and what they have to deal with around the world!